decline 2021 06
(too old to reply)
2021-05-31 23:31:10 UTC
Old Tunnels and Rusting Bridges: America's Creaking Infrastructure
Do you really want to compare infrastructure in the US with Russia,
Who was worse at city planning, Stalin or Putin?

Or maybe you want to compare pension systems?
During the Soviet era, pittance pensions mattered little because even if the
citizens had money, there were few consumer goods that they could spend it
on. Nearly all manufacturing back then was geared toward "defense"...
2021-05-31 23:34:27 UTC
<https://tinyurl.com/2a2pepa7> cnbc.com
More than 11 million Americans are behind on their rent and many could
be pushed from their homes when the national eviction ban expires in
June. .. Experts say the number of evictions could skyrocket when the
ban lifts. Around 15% of adult renters are not current on their housing
payments ..
Land of the fee and home to the slaves. Throwing them out into the
street will be a spectacular sight. Another option is to print more $$$
to pay for them and thus lower the dollar exchange rate further.
America is sliding down without good options.
Old Tunnels and Rusting Bridges: America's Creaking Infrastructure
You hate America so much only because you're jealous of us.
The more you complain about America the more we know
this is true.
Can't disagree with you here.
Pity Trump doesn't.

Have you ever seen Trump happier than when
he was partying with his Russian comrades
in the...Oval Office of all places?

A picture is worth a thousand words...



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2021-06-01 00:04:54 UTC
Thus the silly Americans become more silly.
Agreed. The teaching of CRT will only make it worse. Treating math and
science as social sciences will make it worse as well.
As Ken Hamblin put it in his book, "Pick a Better Country":

"Black trash teaching black trash":

There's a saying in the teaching profession:

"Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach."

They just parrot the latest faddish trend in leftism:

Especially this one:
