! Reporters who dismissed Trump s lab leak theory have egg on their face
(too old to reply)
2021-05-31 08:17:03 UTC
On 2021-05-31 12:21 a.m., Kurt Nicklas wrote:

Trump's theory was that it was biological warfare. Like everything in
that fetid swamp of a mind, the most extreme unsubstantiated
inflammatory bullshit, that's what he goes for.
Kurt Nicklas
2021-05-31 08:48:50 UTC
Post by Dutch
Trump's theory was that it was biological warfare.
Of course, it may have been. You Trumpophobes were even claiming that
the whole idea of a lab leak was 'fake news' and 'racist' but you're
gradually coming around, just as you did about masks out of doors and
30 days to flatten the curve.
Siri Cruise
2021-05-31 12:28:04 UTC
Post by Dutch
Trump's theory was that it was biological warfare. Like everything in
that fetid swamp of a mind, the most extreme unsubstantiated
inflammatory bullshit, that's what he goes for.
Nonentity is too busy sucking off CCP to accuse them of
biological warfare. It's not so much about blaming China as it is
about deflecting from himself to anybody else. He'd blame
Dorothy, and her little dog, if he thought it would wprk.
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